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Visit the YahooGroups site for EV Online 2002:
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A TESOL EV Online 2002 Event

Instructions for Enrolling in YahooGroups

Here are instructions for enrolling with Yahoo Groups for these sessions, as given in emails by Christine Bauer-Ramazani

Please follow the instructions below to get a YAHOO ID, which you must have in order to belong to a YAHOO! GROUP.

1. Go to YAHOO at

2. Click on "Check e-mail" (top of page). This will take you to a screen that says "New to YAHOO".

3. Click "Sign up now" under the Yahoo Mail Free Edition on the New to Yahoo page.

4. Complete the information on the page and click "Submit this form" when you are finished.

After you have obtained a Yahoo ID, here is what you need to do to join the EV ONLINE Yahoo Group. Unfortunately, direct subscription is not sufficient to activate your membership.

1. Go to the web site for our group at You will see that the function links on the left are not hyperlinked yet.

2. In the top right-hand corner, click "Join this group". A screen will come up that asks you to sign in with your Yahoo ID and Password. Please complete the information and click "Sign in." This will take you to the group site again.

3. On the group site, click "Join" at the bottom of the screen. This will trigger a message to me, requesting your approval to join the group. I will do so immediately after I receive the message. Due to delays at Yahoo and time differences, this can take a few hours. As soon as I approve your request, the function links (on the left) should be activated as hyperlinks.

4. Visit the site to see if your membership has been approved and all the function links are activated.

After your subscription has been approved, you can send a brief introduction of yourself to Your introduction should go to all on the list and you should get a copy.

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For comments, suggestions, or further information on this page
contact Vance Stevens, page webmaster.

Last updated: November 15, 2001 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0