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(C)opyright 2003 Vance Stevens
Event number #1952 at TESOL 2002: Language and the Human Spirit, 14:30 GMT to 17:15 GMT, Wednesday April 10, 2002, 8:30-11:15 am in Salt Lake City at the Marriott Downtown Alta & Snowbird Rooms at the Annual TESOL Conference April 9-13, 2002, Salt Lake City, Utah -
website for this academic session is maintained by Elizabeth Hanson-Smith here:
(you will need a Yahoo ID and need to sign in/register).
associated pages for this session: The Human Face of
CALL | Vance's presentation
at this session
The Proposed Webcast | Abstract | Presentations
Messages were sent out to the 'lists' regarding accessing the live audio-cast of this session at the date and time above. Most current information was posted here (on this page).
Eric Baber, Director of Studies at NetLearn Languages,, had graciously offered to host the session on his Windows Media Server in London. Had it worked, this would have obviated the need to go with the less robust Yahoo Messenger voice conference chat (which at no cost is still best value for money!). Until just before the conference, it was not possible to determine if it would work because for that to happen we needed to register our conference laptop with a fixed IP address on the morning of the broadcast to relay to Eric in London so that his server can find us.
As it turned out, this was not possible, as the fixed IP address was not provided until after the conference had already started. But this is how it would have worked:
To contact us during the live audio feed, you can use the chat box below (the actual chat window has been removed, but this is what it looked like), or
What will happen:
All are welcome subject to constraints noted above.
This was a grass-roots attempt at webcasting using tools available to the presenters at the time of their session. The presenters are grateful to TESOL for providing access to these tools during this presentation, but TESOL was otherwise neither involved in nor responsible for this effort. In the end, we had about 20 people drop by our chat areas, and had up to 15 in the voice chat at a given time. We were able to broadcast video and voice simultaneously for most of the event.
Webcast | Abstract | Presentations | Vance's presentation at this session
Authors of recent works on technology-enhanced language learning will discuss their philosophy of language learning as it relates to CALL practices. Topics include constructivism, task-based learning in student-centered tasks and activities, communicative approaches, and the influence of technology itself on our understanding of the learning process.
You may read papers and presentations at our Website: (Sign-in/Register with Yahoo to open URLs and read files.)
Webcast | Abstract | The presentations
Apprx. Timing | Presenters | topic ... | |
8:30-8:40 | ![]() |
Suzan Stamper The Chinese University of Hong Kong CALL IS Chair-elect |
Session Chair, introductions |
8:40-9:00 | ![]() |
Elizabeth Hanson-Smith,
Moderator Command Performance Language Institute, Berkeley, CA, USA |
A Brief History of CALL Theory Phylogeny replicates ontogeny: the history of CALL encapsulates the history of pedagogical movements in the broader field of TESOL. (Based on Hanson-Smith's chapter in the Carter & Nunan book, The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.) Concluding remarks include these ideas: technology is an environment for learning; technology, particularly the computer, is a vehicle for learning driven by teacher ingenuity and inspiration; technology is a "quiet revolution" that transforms educational institutions, such as the "traditional" classroom, at the grassroots level. |
9:00-9:20 | Lynn
Henrichsen Brigham Young University Provo, Utah |
10 Insights into distance learning (based on the Case Studies in TESOL book): Underlying all these insights is a fundamental ideathat quality distance education involves considerably more than simply taking a program developed in a live, face-to-face context and then delivering it at a distance using modern telecommunications systems. Achieving success in distance education involves dealing with a complex of interrelated cultural, psychological, pedagogical, and pragmatic factors (Henderson, 1996, Chen 1999, pp. 218, 228). These will be explained as each insight is discussed. |
9:20-9:40 | Deborah Healey Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon, USA |
Learner Autonomy with Technology: What do Language Learners
Working with Technology Need to be Successful? Administrators and software vendors have been known to believe that you can just plug a learner into a computer and watch the gains accrue. Most CALL practitioners would disagree. This talk will discuss what needs to be present in software and online interactions to promote both learner autonomy and language learning. |
9:40-10:00 | ![]() |
Robb Kyoto Sangyo University Kyoto, Japan |
Re-examining "Self-Access" My current 'hot topic' is 'Tracking in CALL' by which I mean the necessity of software/web pages that students use to provide information to the instructor on the material studied. (time on task, level of success, etc.) My contention is that without such tracking info, CALL software is nearly useless for most traditional classes with under-motivated learners. |
10:00-10:20 | ![]() |
Stevens AMIDEAST UAE/MLI Project Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates |
The Changing F2F
of CALL Vance will relate his thinking on pedagogy of CALL with examples from three years of online teaching, which are based strongly if not purely on constructivist, task-based, communicative, collaborative, and student-centered principles and activities resulting in student autonomy, responsibility, and empowerment during the learning process; supported with web pages recording interactions illustrating points made. |
10:20-10:40 | Joy Egbert Washington State University Pullman, Washington, USA |
New Technologies and the Language Learning Environment: The Futures of CALL |
Elizabeth Hanson-Smith is the co-editor, with Joy Egbert, of CALL Environments (a best-seller in the academic market!), and editor of Technology-enhanced Learning Environments, a collection of case studies. She is a frequent presenter at CALL conferences, and has just concluded an EV Online course, "The Human Face of CALL," which served as a run-up to this morning's session. This week she rotates off the TESOL Board of Directors, but will continue to serve the association in other, technology-related, capacities.
Deborah Healey is the Director of the English Language Institute at Oregon State University, where she has been teaching since 1979. Her interest in computers began as a student worker in 1971 (card punching code for a mainframe), but she didn't get involved in CALL until microcomputers in 1983. Her first lab consisted of six VIC-20s with televisions and cassette tape recorders; later labs in Yemen and at OSU have been more sophisticated. She is a former editor of Computer-assisted English Language Learning (CAELL) Journal and former chair of the CALL Interest Section (like most of the people on this panel!). She is the author of Something to Do on Tuesday and co-editor of the CALL Interest Section Software List, updated annually and now online. Her ongoing interests are in grant-writing; intelligent use of CALL; improving self-study, especially with pronunciation; and helping classroom teachers integrate ESL students into mainstream classes. Her Ph.D. is in Computers in Education.
Joy Egbert co-edited CALL Environments with Elizabeth, is the Director of Washington State University's Training for All Teachers grant from OELA (formerly OBEMLA), and is on TESOL's publications committee.
Vance Stevens works for Amideast and is stationed in Abu Dhabi at the Military Language Institute, where he is CALL coordinator responsible for setting up and overseeing a CALL facility there. Vance last taught ESL face to face in Oman at Sultan Qaboos University, where he was also CALL and self access learning coordinator, in charge of a Student Resource Center. He left Oman to work in a software company in Silicon Valley where he had a hand in developing the speech recognition product, Traci Talk. It was there, cold turkey out of the classroom, that he decided to keep one hand in teaching by becoming involved with online language learning as a volunteer teacher with English for Internet. This has since evolved into several permutations of Webheads, which Vance will talk about today. Vance has done a bit of research in CALL, has cooedited a book on CALL with Martha Pennington, and contributed chapters to many others. Vance has presented at all but two TESOL Conferences in the last 15 years (the two he didn't attend).
Webcast | Abstract | Presentations | Vance's presentation at this session
The website for this academic session is maintained by Elizabeth Hanson-Smith here: (you will need a Yahoo ID and need to sign in/register). The webmaster of this page (the one you are on now) has not been sent compete information by the contributors to this session and is therefore only updating this page whenever such information appears.
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