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(C)opyright 2003 Vance Stevens

A TESOL EV Online 2002 Event

The Human Face of CALL

This event is part of the runup to TESOL 2002: Language and the Human Spirit - April 9-13, 2002, Salt Lake City, Utah.

In particular, it forms a lead-in to The CALL-IS Academic Session, event number #1952: "Theory Meets Practice in CALL"


The EVOnline Sessions ran from January to March 25, 2002. I ran a session entitled Webheads in Action and I was but one of several partipants in the Human Face of CALL session. I only collected information here at the beginning of that time. The website for the academic session and for the EVOnline session under the auspices of TESOL is being maintained by Elizabeth Hanson-Smith here: (you will need a Yahoo ID and need to sign in/register): This web page (the one you are on now) is sketchy and only being minimally updated.


Links for this course

Here is Elizabeth's proposal for the event

1. Title
CALL and the Human Spirit

2. Description
Based on the CALL-IS Academic Session at Salt Lake City, this on-line course will offer the opportunity to discuss issues in the pedagogy and practice of technology-enhanced language learning.

The authors of four recent works on the pedagogy of CALL have focused on the need for a sound theoretical foundation for the use of software and the Internet as resources for teaching and learning. These works indicate a maturation of understanding about the nature of language learning through the use of electronic resources, as the field has moved from simple, isolated drill-and-grill activities, largely limited by the boundaries of the technology itself, to complex interactions among students and across oceans, made possible by the World Wide Web.

3. Target Audience
Teachers interested in and/or already using technology; software designers and publishers

4. Weekly syllabus/activities (basic outline--to be refined later)
Participants will be expected to read materials posted or linked to the EV site in order to have a common ground of discussion. The moderator will provide a list of readings, including drafts of papers or presentations by the Academic Session panelists.


  1. Defining the realm of CALL: pluses and minuses
  2. Defining literacy in an electronic age: medium and message
    Chat - summary of issues in pedagogy
  3. Uses of technology in second language research
  4. Computer-adaptive assessment and its effects on students and teachers
  5. Other new technologies of interest
    Chat - summary of issues in practice as related to theory
  6. The human (inter)face of technology
  7. Constructivism and CALL, and other alternative pedagogical models
    Chat - course summary

[I expect considerable refining of these topics as I get input from the panelists.]

5. Expected "handouts"/files to upload: Word, PowerPoint, HTML, Sound, other (Please specify.)
Document files in Word; PowerPoint presentations [panelists to let me know if other files are to be used]

6. Communication media expected to be used: discussion postings via email, chat (text or voice)
The panelists will post draft documents and additional readings (or links) to the EV Website. Participants will use a bulletin board to make comments and interact with the presenters. The moderator will present bi-weekly summaries of the discussion as it progresses. If chat (text) is available, multiple sessions will be scheduled at different times to include widely scattered time zones, and chat will be used to help summarize issues considered.

7. Anything else that would be relevant
I expect all participants in the Acadmic Session will want to contribute to the online discussion.

Elizabeth's Introduction

I just wanted to give a brief intro to myself and my work and why I am interested in this topic:

I retired from California State University, Sacramento, where I directed the graduate TESOL program and the Amer Lang & Culture Program for a number of years. I retired in part to run my own educational technology consulting business. I've worked with high schools, adult ed literacy programs, community colleges, IEPs, universities here and overseas, and publishing companies.

My goal is to help teachers make the best use of the technology that surrounds them. Usually I find that once they get over the fear of computers, they love the creativity and freedom they and their students experience.

I'm esp. interested in content-based and task-based learning, so my own computer programs include Poetry Shop, which helps people write their own poems, and Live Action English Interactive, a program based on the LAE Total Physical Response approach to learning language. I also was lead designer for the Oxford Picture Dictionary Interactive, which has some terrific composition activities and word games.

Presently I'm on the TESOL Board as Interest Section rep, and am looking forward to rejoining the CALL IS, where I served as Chair back in the early 90s.


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For comments, suggestions, or further information on this page
contact Vance Stevens, page webmaster.

Last updated: April 4, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0