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ESL Skill Areas: TOEFL Preparation
Elsewhere on this website see my page on testing in general
out TOEFL links on the ESL Sofware Vendor's List
Natalie Gordon writes, in August 2010, "I saw that your page hasn't been
updated in EIGHT years!! I was wondering if you would like help in updating it
(since it's VERY out-of-date) ..." etc. True, I am making no effort to maintain
my ESL_Home sites these days and have been toying with the idea of moving them
to a blog, or at least linkng them to a wiki or comment component. Don't hold
your breath; meanwhile, check out Natilie's site at: It's
commercialized, but there is a forum there for people studying TOEFL, looks
- e.g. TOEFL Mentor and TOEFL Mastery
- The TOEFL Superstore at (Viewed May 9, 2002)
- 'Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL CBT Volume' got a strong
recommendation in teflca-l 19 Aug 1999 - "really helps students with new issues
in the CBT."
- Kaplan has a TOEFL CBT cross-platform CD and book, maybe or
- ETS appears to have a cross-platform CD available now too, according
to their web site, called
- Delta's Key to the TOEFL by Nancy Gallagher, has a CD-ROM to
accompany it - from a 02 May 2001 posting on TESLCA-L: "loaded with information
about both the paper and the computer-based test. They have also created a
CD-ROM to accompany it ...our students seem to like it. In addition, I have
used the quick diagnostic test in a 2-hour TOEFL Prep Seminar that I give twice
a semester and it is a very good means of introducing the students to the
format of the TOEFL. In addition, the writers have taken the time to break down
several course plans for 10- and 15-week courses which I'm sure could be
modified and adapted for your purposes. Be sure to check this one out. Simply
contact them and they'll be happy to give you a review copy."
- Building Skills for the TOEFL by Carol King and Nancy Stanley
- Another TOEFL CD-ROM is called Power CDROM 5.0, by a company called
Teletext, available at
- A list of "TOEFL training publications" at can be sorted
by publication date:
- "Peterson's TOEFL CBT Success" is a two-volume set comprised of a
thick practice text with a decent grammar and reading review, good strategies,
advice, and online test tips, as well as 3 practice TOEFL tests and 3 TWE
tests. It comes with a CD-ROM compatible to IBM or Mac. The second book is
strictly practice tests, but comes with cassettes, and is cross-referenced with
the larger text.
- TOEFL The Test Centre at Digital Education Network
Some Resources still working in May
Some TOEFL Prep links still working in
May 2002
- is
a membership site with a free TOEFL practice exam. It says on the site that
registration is free and even hassle-free: "Your free, no hassle membership
will grant you unlimited access to a full-length practice Structure exam
online, as well as demos of our Listening and Reading sections. "
(Viewed May 9, 2002)
- There is a short TOEFL practice test at:
- 20 questions covering the written expression and sentence structure parts of
the TOEFL test. Requires Shockwave (Viewed May 9,
- Here you can review the TOEFL:
There is also an overview of computer based toefl here
(Viewed May 9, 2002)
(the old link was still working in May 2002:
- Ahmed recommends this as a very good site for self-study
quizzes for ESL students (Viewed May 9,
- Knowledge 3000 offers an on-line TOEFL preparatory program for both
the paper-based and computer-based exam. They offer study materials, online
practice drills and exams, and online tutoring. Their website was, in May 2002,
and included links to Free TOEFL Tips and Exercises and Complete
TOEFL Programs and Full Practice Tests (Exactly Like the Real Test). Last
time I looked there were a few sample demo questions, but otherwise, this was a
pay-per-view service
- For $69 (Feb 2000) you can purchase a TOEFL Trainer password and
access 16 hours of audio and unlimited access to the personal TOEFL training
program from TestDEN at The site is still
working in May 2002 but I was unable to find any free materials.
- Beat the TOEFL at is a paid membership
site with some free content. On July 14, 2002 I found a page where you can
write an essay for 30 min and at the end of that time have it evaluated (for
free), and there is also a free threaded discussion where you can post
questions and get replies. There are also free full-length TOEFL sections as
well as daily quizzes. The free content is found mostly at
These sites are fading ... though
still working in May 2002
I would like to acknowledge the
contribution of Ahmad Qendil, English teacher-advisor at the MLI in Abu Dhabi,
who contributed many of the above links in November 1998
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For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page contact Vance Stevens, page webmaster.
Last updated: July 15, 2002 in Hot Metal Pro
6.0 Note and fresh link added August 27, 2010 at 01:00 GMT |