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Life in Education portal
Second Life in Education
Why should educators
bother with Second Life?
Rationale for and against
Why should serious educators bother with
Second Life?
- In world support from Second Life > Community > Education:
- Graham Stanley has produced an excellent presentation using the Mac's
iMovie software and addressing exactly that question at
http://www.pod-efl.com/video/Web%202.0%20&%20Language%20Learning.mov (seen here Dec 2, 2006)
Graham is also hosting a
2007 Electronic Village Online
session on Digital Gaming & Language Learning EVO session in January :
Graham also points us to
- Some interesting projects going on in the Teen Grid that involve
language learning, and some other people who are involved in teaching languages
(I was in a 'Learning Japanese' group once, but never got round to attending a
- The Esperanto-ists seemed to be the most active when I first came
into SL - they were teaching classes and even had a university. Unfortunately,
lack of interest meant the space they set up had to close down. If you want to
see what it looked like, check out my blog post from May, here:
- They were behind the SL & language learning forum, Babel ...
not very active nowadays:
- SimTeach: Information and Community for Educators using M.U.V.E.'s
like SL in teaching and learning. The site includes a blog, a wiki, a
discussion group, and some sample SL videos http://www.simteach.com/ . The wiki lists
many education projects and resources in Second Life here:
- Webhead Link's blog http://webheadlink.wordpress.com
- Beth Ritter-Guth's Second Life blog:
- Worldbridges has webcast from Second Life:
and toured the International Spaceflight Museum on Spaceport Alpha Island
- Aleks Krotoski, PhD candidate in the Dept of Psychology, U. of
Surrey, is conducting research, aimed at mapping SL's relationship network for
part of his dissertation. The online survey is at
More info is available at the Social Simulation Research Lab (Hyperborea 200,
100, 22) and at the research website: http://www.surrey.ac.uk/~psp1ak
- Dispatches from Second Life: "Yesterday a cheerful Italian gave me a
Babbler translator so we started teaching each other Italian and Hungarian
using English as the common language, which was real fun, especially that we
were figure ice-skating meanwhile." - posted to
evonline2002_webheads, Nov 27, 2006;
- del.icio.us links to secondlife/education:
- Sloodle = SL + Moodle = http://www.sloodle.com/
- Anya Ixchel's long post on My Teaching Semester in Second Life:
Pitfalls, Challenges and Joys, is an interesting read about how she conducts a
New Literacies course in Second Life:
- 101 Uses for Second Life in the College Classroom .http://trumpy.cs.elon.edu/metaverse/gst364Win2005/handout.html
- At the Games+Learning+Society Conference
http://www.glsconference.org/ in
Madison, WI, July 12-13, 2007 there is a presentation by Cory Ondrejka, Vice
President of Product Development, who leads the team developing Second Life.
The title is Brace for Impact: How User Creation Changes Everything and
its abstract is "Highly flexible virtual worlds are starting to allow content
created by one user to be experienced immediately by other users. This
"user-created content" has the capacity to significantly change how games can
be used for learning. Technical limitations have traditionally limited the
creation of educational games to professional game developers, as they were the
group with access to the game-building tools. Second Life is a unique digital
world that puts the tools in the hands of its residents. Through a scripting
language, embedded 3D design tools, an easy-to-use character creation system,
and methods for exchanging data with the real world, Second Life allowing
highly interactive learner-to-learner and amateur-to-amateur creation and
- At http://rampoislands.blogspot.com/
you can really see kids at play in images posted at Peggy Sheehy's Suffern
Middle School in Second Life A running account of the process of the proposal,
acquisition, development and integration of a virtual presence for education at
Suffern Middle School, Suffern, NY. This is a compelling report of uses of
SL in K-12
- I want to mention this link on one of my favorite podcast sites:
. I'm not clear whether this post is by Wesley Fryer or Jennifer Wagner,
but I left a comment and promised (if I could remember to do it) to link that
posting from here (I remembered!).
- From the July 2007 edition of Flex e-News,
Second Life as an educational tool Virtual worlds allow students to be fully
immersed in learning situations. But is the technology a viable choice as an
education tool? Educators Lindy McKeown and Jo Kay share their perspectives on
virtual worlds.
Why should they NOT
There's an interesting post reflecting on some of the successes and
limitations of SL. The writer may have been impacted by poor performance
(possibly an individual computer issue and likely to be mediated over time as
older computers are phased out) - Sylvia Martinez. (July 2007). Second Thoughts
on Second Life. Generation YES Blog: Thoughts About Empowering Students with
Technology. Retrieved August 13, 2007 from:
Clay Shirky has been calling Linden Labs to task for conflating user
figures. In a Feb 3, 2007 posting at
he says, on reading Linden Labs's latest figures releases, "we can see that the
Residents figure, as expected, is a big overcount over actual people (about 50%
inflation, in fact, accounting for over a million ersatz users). Second Life
doesn't have two million users. They have had two million users over the life
of the service, and they've lost most of them. Of those users, the majority --
something like 5 out of 6 -- bailed in the first month. What we don't know is
what the other sixth are up to, but after Friday's post, we can guess the
answer is "Not much." As John Zdanowski, the Linden employee who posted the
figures, notes, "Approximately 10% of unique users have logged in for 40 hours
or more." He doesn't caveat this -- it isn't current users, or 40 hours per
month. The plain meaning of that sentence is that fewer than 200,000 people
have given Second Life even a cumulative work week of their time, over the
history of the platform."
Charlie O'Donnell has raised eyebrows, hackles, and some interesting
points with his posting 10 Reasons to Go Short on Second Life,
The ten reasons are (exerpted):
- Second Life "probably will never be, mobile ... and will not wind up
on your cellphones anytime soon."
- In "a short attention span world... small and bitesized. SecondLife
can't easily be consumed in small bits. You can't link to an event that already
happened, or tag a place, or share it with someone who doesn't have the
- "Second Life is a benevolant dictatorship. ... a very small group of
people basically dictates what goes and what doesn't in this market... a group
of people that is not beholden to the residents by law, is a political risk."
- "Second Life is a business. Linden Labs has taken venture capital
investment and those firms are going to look for an "exit" at some point over
the next four years or so. Maybe Linden Labs will ... have the pressure to grow
revenues which may be at odds with the authenticity of the service."
- "Diminishing returns for brand participation ... Right now, you can
gain a lot of PR buzz by participating in Second Life... probably enough buzz
to justify the investment in development for whatever you build to put in
there. But, how long will that last?"
- "Requires 100% attention. ...You can't casually browse Second Life...
It's very different than an IM window you can put away in the background when
you're doing other things."
- "Lack of context. ... no guidence, no schedule ... users find
themselves lost over overwhelmed."
- "Digital world with an analog business model ... but because of their
digital nature, SL has experienced problems lately with users copying digital
items that would otherwise be sold."
- "Reach. No matter how many registered users you have, getting less
than 20K simultaneous users online really isn't very much. ... Yes, it's
growing, but interestingly, the number of registration is far outpacing the
active usage of the site. ... more people are coming to check it out, but
they're not sticking around. "
- Escapism vs. Reality. The promise of social networks is that you've
got digital self expression going on in unprecedented volume.... to connect you
with real people based on real and authentic things about themselves. ... I
thought the blog/Web 2.0/Cluetrain revolution was all about authenticity and
living online the way I do in real life... my digital world as a reflection of
my real interests and real personality? So far, that seems a lot more
compelling for people than fantasy... otherwise, wouldn't most of the profiles
on MySpace be roleplaying profiles... fake people created and maintained by
real humans behind them? If I'm a business, I want to make sure I'm connecting
in a sincere way with real people as well.... not sponsoring a fantasy."
This was posted on Nov 27, 2006 and there has since been some digital
- Stephen Downes says "I have been less than enthusiastic about Second
Life, and this article captures some of the reasons why. In fairness, here are
some responses to
O'Donnell's criticisms. To me, though, there are two major problems with
Second Life. First, it's a single company, which means there's no democracy, no
user rights, and therefore, none of the freedoms people online have come to
expect. Corporations like it, sure, so it gets a lot of press. But it ends
there. Second, though it appears because it is a visual web (as opposed to the
more mainstream text-based web) it is only one way a visual web could work, and
a rather boring one at that. There will be a visual and multidimensional
environment that goes mainstream, but it won't be owned by some company and it
won't simply be an online version of the real world. Think about it - all the
ways people could learn in a multidimensional visual world and they recreate a
lecture theatre? Sheesh."
- Stephen's post prompted Dudeney Ge, an avatar from Second Life, to
respond that this "shows that he really hasn't spent an awful lot of time
looking around Second Life at all. Of course plenty of people have built
lecture theatres inside SL - myself included. And why not? When you're working
with teachers who might like to experience SL in their teaching but are not too
comfortable with software and online worlds, the most gentle way of introducing
them to it is to give them something familiar with which to work. A lecture
theatre inside SL, with Powerpoint and voice capabilities is a security
blanket, it's inside the comfort zone - and the hope is that when they are
happy with that they might move outside that zone to experiment with what SL
really can do."
- The response referred to by Stephen was Chris Carella's "Ten Reasons
to Go Long on Second Life", which addressed just 9 of O'Donnell's points:
Regarding the last point (and imho), as Webheads and EduNation have developed,
these are people who already knew each other in real yet often totally virtual
professional lives. Second Life has been an enhancement to that, a playground,
a crucible for ideas about how people can augment their interaction through
constructive, and constructivist, play/work/whatever.
A really great example of "constructive, and constructivist,
play/work/whatever" landed on the Webheads list recently, showing us how
webheads Ken Cage, with Martin McMorrow and some of their colleagues, balance
work and F.U.N. (has nothing to do with SL, but if you've got time for a
short break ... )
Well, actually, it DOES have something to do with SL. It's this kind of
spirit, that proclaims that there is much scope in education for
experimentation and enjoyment, and the result doesn't have to look like
'education'. As Stephen Downes also says in his wider work, learning should be
built into and part of what people do naturally day to day rather than
something people are uprooted into doing within the walls of an isolated
institution. If people are drawn to karaoke or virtual worlds such as Second
Life, then educators who are also drawn to those places might be in the best
position to intersect with the interests of the target learners already there,
or who accept invitations to go there, and help make these experiences
educational ones.
"This puts a new slant on Second Life - and using computers in
general: Scientific American 8 December 2006 Second Life: The SUV of
Computer Carbon Emissions http://tinyurl.com/2pex7z '[
] your
average Second Life avatar consumes about as much electricity as your average
Brazilian.' See also: Going green: Is the growing power consumption of data
centres a threat or an opportunity? The Economist 1 March 2007
http://tinyurl.com/37tkkj 'The people,
places and things inside Second Life, a thriving online world with millions of
residents, may be imaginary - but the power consumption of the computers that
maintain the illusion is all too real. Nicholas Carr, a business writer and
blogger, recently worked out that each of the 15,000 or so residents logged in
at any one time consumes electricity as a result of their activities in the
virtual world almost as fast as the average inhabitant of Brazil does in real
life. Second Life's residents, Mr Carr concluded, don't have bodies, but they
do leave footprints.' " Contributed by Graham Davies Educational Software
Consultant, Camsoft Emeritus Professor of Computer Assisted Language Learning
Graham Davies writes again in July 2007: "I took part in an
international audio conference on 23 June this year, which was set up within
the Second Life virtual world and linked with the (free) Ventrilo
audio-conferencing software. In many respects I found this a more satisfactory
medium than videoconferencing. Speakers' and participants' voices came through
very clearly at my end, and the speakers were able to put up PowerPoint slides
on a large display at the conference venue, the Glass Pyramid on EduNation
Island. You couldn't see anyone "for real", of course. We all appeared as our
chosen avatars. Text chat was active throughout the conference - and, because
text chat is silent, participants could chat among themselves without
disturbing the presenters. In the discussion sessions, participants could use
text chat with the presenters or they could illuminate a light bulb on their
head to indicate that they wished to use the audioconferencing facility, and
then the chair would call upon them in turn. It worked amazingly well. This
approach to conferencing is still in its infancy, but I estimate that it will
be more widely used in the future, especially when Second Life's real-time
audio chat comes online. See:
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Page updated: August 13, 2007 |
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under Creative
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February 17, 2007
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