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Reference Works Available Online
Meta Resources:
- BUBL Link at http://www.bubl.ac.uk/link - "Selected
Internet resources covering all academic subject areas" - looks very much like
a Yahoo! Interface.
- Librarians' Index to the Internet at
- LibrarySpot - The best of libraries, newspapers,
encyclopedias, maps and more in one Spot "LibrarySpot is the information
sweetspot of the best library and reference resources on the Web. Find top
dictionaries, encyclopedias, newspapers, maps, genealogy tools and more in one
user-friendly spot." http://www.libraryspot.com/ "
- Netlibrary at http://www.netlibrary.net/ - Search the
World e-Text Library by author or title plus 1.Acronyms & Abbreviations
2.Biography 3.Conferences & Events 4.Copyright 5.Currency Information
6.Directories & Indexes 7.Dictionaries & Thesauri 8.Elections &
Constitutions 9.Encyclopedia 10. Geographical Maps 11.Government 12.Images
& Graphics 13.Intellectual Property 14.Internet 15.Language Translator
16.Listing of Books Online 17.Mutual Links 18.Quotations 19.Religion 20.Science
21.Standards 22.Statistics 23.Style Manuals 24.Time Zones & Calendars
25.Usenet Newsgroups 26.Weather plus a search key on speech recognition tools
at http://www.download.com for having
your books read to you. [viewed Mar 2000]
- Research-It! -
has a dictionary, thesaurus, maps, translator, quote reference and more.
Sections are Language, Library, Geographical, Financial, Shipping, Internet.
- Virtual Reference Desk,
has about 100 links to reference materials.
- Britannica Online is at http://www.eb.com/ - Trial a search, get14 days
free, or subscribe
Dictionaries and Thesauri:
- Dictionary.com - http://www.dictionary.com includes
services such as Roget's, Bartlett's Quotes, Strunk's, etc.
- OneLook Dictionary Search - http://www.onelook.com/; Enter a word to
search almost 1,000 dictionary web sites that include that word
- Netscape Dictionary:
- Newbury House Dictionary of American English is at
- Plumb Design Visual Thesaurus using ThinkMap data-animation
technology: http://www.plumbdesign.com/thesaurus/.
Type in a word and press Enter to "experience" it, which means watch associated
words swim around it. Grab one of those words and it becomes central to the
vortex of words and concepts. Eventually, you hone in on your mot just.
Arghhh - a revisit to this site in Dec 2005 shows that you can buy this
service now, or give it as a gift, an interesting idea. The problem is that
right now Dec 2005 you can have a limited number of free trial searches
(limited was not defined when I visited). Hmmm I don't know about this, I can
understand the developers' wishing to capitalize on their concept, but this is
one of those things that you use because it's there, and if it's not
there because it's only for paying customers, well, what can I say. Who will
pay (and what about the rest of us)? And come on you open source folks, this is
is a great concept. Ok, try it while you can.
- Roget's Thesaurus: various urls -
- Weller Media Products Reference Materials: Webster's Dictionary,
Acronym Dictionary and Roget's Thesaurus:
- The Wordsmyth Integrated English Dictionary-Thesaurus is
available at http://www.lightlink.com/bobp/wedt.
- WordWeb is a free dictionary and thesaurus for Windows
95/98/2000/NT. Download it from http://wordweb.info/free/. According to
the web site "The free thesaurus and dictionary for Windows Info Home How to
use FAQ Testimonials Free download Buy Now Users' page About us E-mail Links
Crossword Compiler WordWeb Developer Crossword Puzzle Subscribe to the WordWeb
newslist: Make crosswords with.. WordWeb is a cut-down version of the WordWeb
Pro that is free for personal use. It includes a comprehensive English
thesaurus and dictionary, and can be used to look up words from within most
programs. " The 'Pro' version costs $19 and has "7000 more entries, plus word
finding, anagram, editing, vocabulary-building and customization features."
- World Net Lexical Database for the English Language,
Aesop's Dictionary is an interface to the WordNet Lexical
Database: http://www.pacificnet.net/~johnr/aesop/dict1.html
- Your Dictionary: http://www.yourdictionary.com/
- Collins Cobuild Collocations, http://titania.cobuild.collins.co.uk/ -
on July 31, 2000, ERROR 205 -- DNS name lookup failure.
- Collins Cobuild Student's Dictionary Online was at
http://www.linguistics.ruhr-uni-bochum.de:8099/ccsd-set.html, but that url now
presents this message: "The Dictionaries division of HarperCollins Publishers
has recently made a policy decision to withdraw unrestricted public access to
the online Collins COBUILD Student's Dictionary (CCSD Online). This decision
has been taken after internal discussions about the growth of e-commerce and
HarperCollins's strategy with regard to electronic use of language content
owned by the company. Publishing managers have been advised by the executive
not to make HarperCollins material freely available over the Web. The Collins
COBUILD Student's Dictionary will therefore no longer be available on-line to
the general public free of charge. At the present time (June 2000) there are no
plans to release the CCSD Online on the Web. The dictionary is available on
CD-ROM and DVD" - This doesn't work either:
Perspectives on
On 27 Dec 1999, Graham.Tritt posted on NETEACH-L (in the same posting,
links to Roget's above) (Permission to repost granted Aug 2, 2000, and Graham
adds, "To find the latest status on these, just search +thesauri +XML in say
YAHOO. A good starting point is
There is another style on http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/~wn/
You can search by going to
You can download a copy (16 MB)
It shows "hypernyms", or " this is a kind of" term heirarchy, like
=> thesaurus, synonym finder -- (a book of synonyms)
wordbook -- (a reference book containing words (usually with their meanings))
=> reference book, reference, reference work, book of facts ---
=> book -- (a copy of a written work or ...
=> publication -- (a
printed work offered for distribution)
=> work, piece of work --
(something produced or accomplished ...
=> product, production -- (the
amount ...
=> creation -- (something that has been brought into
existence by someone)
=> artifact, artefact -- (a man-made object)
=> object, physical object -- (a physical (tangible and visible)
bookmarks -
07 Jun 1999, a bookmark's list was posted to TESLCA-L with an invitation
for its use it in good health. Here's Alvi's dictionary
bookmarks file, and here's what he says about it:
"It's cut and pasted out of my bookmark file; URLs of dictionary and
similar sites. One or two of the linx are dead but I've just had a look at it
and most are OK. Any that are broken have likely moved and a simple search for
the title should find them again. The Jargon File is a case in point; that is
all over the web in a range of sites and versions. Cut and paste the code into
a text editor like Notepad, save as dic.htm, or what you will, and view in a
browser. Use it in good health! Alvi (aka Allan Brewster)" (Permission to
repost granted Sept. 8, 2000)
A perspective on Internet
This is from 01 Mar 2000, Elin Melchior posting on Professional use of
the Internet on TESLCA-L (Permission to repost granted 05 Oct 2000);
annotations by Vance (gvs) in italics, bullets added:
"A lot of research can now be done on the web. My best experience with
online libraries and research has been with OhioLink a research database to
which some universities in Ohio belong. Unfortunately if you do not belong to a
school which pays for these services you cannot use them. ERIC is a very
popular clearinghouse for educational articles. You can search it on the web
for free, but you must pay a nominal fee to have the articles faxed to you.
The following sources can be used to find articles and books. Some of
them can be used to download articles if you join (and pay a fee).
- BIDS (bibliographic services for the UK Higher Education
community) http://www.bids.ac.uk/ -
requires username access, gvs
- Uncover Web http://uncweb.carl.org/ "A current
awareness and document delivery service" - from the website - will fax articles
from database of 9 million, email you tables of contents of journals, gvs
- The Electronic Library http://www.elibrary.com - will search
database for articles and email you headlines for free; acts as search engine
for natural language and boolean searches; offers enhanced capabilities to
subscribers - gvs
- The Library of Congress http://www.loc.gov/
I now have the best luck simply searching the web using my favorite
search engines which are currently Google and Alltheweb.
" (unquote from Elin)
A web site to help people study for the Citizenship test,
http://www.uscitizenship.org. -
quizzes based on the hundred questions both in oral and written format and
practice dictation.
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For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page contact Vance Stevens, page webmaster.
Last updated: December 8, 2004 in Hot Metal Pro
6.0 |
Copyright 2004 by Vance Stevens