See references to individual articles found in these and other online resources.
There is a comprehensive annotated list of education journals developed and maintained by the staff at the U. of Wisconsin-Madison Instruction Materials Center and the Kansas State University Libraries at The list is searchable by title or by category; e.g. Educational Technology.
Electronic journals and magazines (seen June 2003, but looks a bit dated)
Linda Thalman has linked to over 30 online journals:
Oxford University Press has set up a program wherein scholars from developing nations are eligible for free or greatly discounted electronic access to a large number of professional journals. Complete information is available at Please pass the word on to anyone who can benefit from this opportunity. For an introduction to the rationale behind programs such as OUP's, see: Smith, R. (2003) Closing the digital divide. British Medical Journal 326(7383):238.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
*@lbe electronic* (albe=adult literacy and basic education) - There is a 1998 'The first site on the WWW by Adult Literacy Students for Adult Literacy Students' Find the latest by Dale Pobega here: (seen June 2003)
The Academic Exchange Quarterly is a peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to the presentation of ideas, research, methods, and pedagogical theories leading to effective instruction and learning regardless of level or subject. It appears to give tables of contents and abstracts only (without subscription). There is a mirror here:
AILA (International Association of Applied Linguistics) publishes an annual volume, the AILA Review, available online at (click AILA Reviews in the navigation bar) in Acrobat Reader format (PDF).
At its December 2001 meeting, the Association of Information Systems (AIS) Executive Committee agreed that all university libraries in countries not listed in the World Bank's list of high income economies (see should be granted free subscriptions to the Communications of AIS ( and the Journal of AIS ( Please forward this message to any libraries that you know of which satisfy the criterion. Libraries should contact Samantha Spears of the AIS Office to activate access.
American Language Review ( addresses a variety of issues, including those related to instructional technology on the Web
ALN Magazine, The Web of Asynchronous Learning Networks, has its magazines linked from:
Apprentissage des Langues et Systemes d'Information et de Communication (ALSIC: language learning and information and communication systems), is a French language electronic journal for researchers and practitioners on Language Learning and Information and Communication Systems. It aims at presenting theoretical and practical work in didactics, applied linguistics, educational sciences, computational linguistics, computer science... The journal gives priority to papers from the French-speaking community and/or in French, but it also regularly invites papers in other languages so as to strengthen scientific and technical exchanges between linguistic communities that too often remain separate. Topics: Research, Practice, Reviews, Software, Forum, Newsletter.
Asian EFL Journal:, refereed, online since 2002
Australian Journal of Education Technology Full text back issues, latest issue is under restricted access (for just 3 months, and except for members of ASET, ASCILITE and ISPI Vic, and subscribing libraries)
C@LLing Japan Online -
CAELL Journal, ISTE - There's a CAELL remnant here: A Place to Start in Selecting Software by Deborah Healey, Oregon State University and Norman Johnson, Lane Community College >From CAELL Journal 8:1, Winter 1997/98; last updated May 2002. Here it says "Unfortunately, CAELL Journal is no longer being published. For back issues, go to former CJ publisher ISTE Online"
CALICO Journal has "made available for viewing in .pdf format full-text journal articles from Volume 1 through Volume 17 (year 2000) of the CALICO Journal. To keep this service as simple as possible we have left it open to everyone to view (no password required). Just go to this link to view them":
CALL EJ merged with On-CALL (The Australian Journal of Computers and Language Education) and became CALL-EJ Online (ISSN 1442-438X) in May 1999. - As of Oct 2003 CALL Electronic Journal: CALL-EJ Online has temporarily moved to: - October 31, 2003 email puts it at:; Feb 2004, back at CALL-EJ Online:
CALL Review is a publication of the Learning Technologies SIG and it is available via However, in order to read the journal you have to register at the site. In order to register at the site, you nieed your IATEFL number.
Campus-Wide Information Systems: The International Journal of Technology on Campus
The Chronicle of Higher Education:
CMC Magazine - Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine (ISSN 1076-027X), which ran issues from May 1994 to January 1999, reported about people, events, technology, public policy, culture, practices, study, and applications related to human communication and interaction in online environments. Issues are still available online in June 2002.
Dave's ESL Cafe listing of Online ESL Publications:
Digital Knowledge:
Educational Technology & Society Journal of International Forum of Educational Technology & Society and IEEE Learning Technology Task Force ISSN 1436-4522 Full text articles available here:
Educational Technology in language learning: Theoretical considerations and practical applications (Les Nouvelles Technologies Educatives dans lapprentissage des langues vivantes : réflexion théorique et applications pratiques) available via
Educational Technology Review
Educause Review "explores the changing ways we will work, learn, and communicate in the digital world of the 21st century. The accelerating pace of development in computer and communications technology is transforming education. Educom Review monitors those developments along with related issues in management, planning, law, and policy." - from its web page at (June 1999) - pdf files of current and back issues available online June 2002; Educause Quarterly: .
The aim of Edumed News is to publish news items, announcements of conferences, publications, products, on-line courses, etc., of a non-commercial nature, which pertain to the subject of distance education in the health sciences and medicine. The applications of information technology to the area, such as telehealth and telemedicine, virtual reality, health informatics, etc., are also included whenever they are related to education. The newsletter is an official publication of the Edumed Institute (, a not-for-profit educational and research institution which operates the Brazilian Distance Education in Medicine and Health, a consortium of several institutions of higher education. This is not a discussion list. An average of a message per day is sent to the subscribers. To subscribe, please send a blank email message to: or visit the site: For Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking individuals, there is a version in Portuguese at
Elearn Magazine: Education and Technology in Perspective,; RSS Feed:
ELT Journal
ELT Newsletter at - weekly articles on topics of interest to ELT professionals - updated every Friday, teaching tips, ELT Forum, links to other sites of interest to English teachers (and learners)
English Teacher's Assistant Newsletter,, "website is sponsored by The English Teacher's Assistant, a periodical designed for ESL and EFL teachers who wear many hats--teachers who want fresh ideas and activities for teaching conversation, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation." It has "Articles and activities that are written to be read and used by teachers. Our emphasis is on practical classroom applications. We provide tips, lesson ideas, and photocopiable, classroom-ready activities."
ESL Magazine,, is wired for CALL. Check out Christine Meloni's Networthy, a regular feature. There are 6 issues a year online from 1998-2002.
"Flex e-News" newsletter may be viewed at the Australian Flexible Learning Advisory Group (FLAG) website. Previously I couldn't find an index of newsletters but ten of them from 29 June 2001 to May 24, 2002 can be viewed by changing the number from 1 through 10 in the following URL:; also try (from July 2007)
frAme is a new on-line journal publishing work focussing on the core area of the inter-relation between culture and technology. frAme will feature critical essays, digital artwork/multimedia, interviews with artists/musicians/writers etc, reviews of techno-cultural artefacts, and writing relevant to this area. The journal is connected to the trAce International Online Writing Community ( based at The Nottingham Trent University, which also publishes Freebase (see below).
From Now On: The Educational Technology Journal,
Global English Newsletter
Humanizing Language Teaching, the online magazine edited by Mario Rinvolucri,
Information Visualization
Innovate (Journal of Online Education):;; Innovate-Live Portal:
The APACALL Newsletter has now a new name: 'Innovative Language Learning'. Here is a list of items that repeat regularly: - News from members (conference presentations, publications, grants & awards, or appointments & movements); - Links to forthcoming conferences; - CALL materials & Web sites of interest; - Any articles, book reviews or conference reports; and/or - Others.
APACALL is also publishing International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, a refereed electronic journal focused on contemporary thinking about and research into pedagogies and learning.
International Journal of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning:; full text articles available online
International Journal on E-Learning, new title for International Journal on Educational Telecommunications (Stephen Downes is one of the editors-at-large, Feb 2007).
The International Review of Open and Distance Learning:
The Internet TESL Journal: Main site: - For Teachers of English as a Second Language (Articles, Research Papers, Lessons Plans, Classroom Handouts, Teaching Ideas & Links)
IT-Links is an online journal for English Language Teachers using CALL in the classroom,
iT's On-Line: ESL Web magazine for both students and teachers.
JALT publications can be accessed via
Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks:
JOLT: is a wholly online journal sponsored by MERLOT and focusing on uses of technology for teachers (posted April 2006)
Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California, on the Web Quarterly Since June, 1995; moved to
Journal of Educational Media -
Journal of Interactive Media in Education with an archive of full-text articles going from the present issue back to 1996. One innovative feature of this eZine is (at least in one case) having article text in a left frame and a "debate area" on the right; e.g.:
Journal of Interactive Online Learning:
The Journal of Language and Linguistics (Online) is a new academic journal in the field of language teaching, linguistics (theoretical and applied) and language study. Refereed and edited by academic staff at the University of Northumbria, UK and the University of Buckingham, UK. See for further details.
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
Kairos: A Journal For Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments: "Kairos is a refereed online journal exploring the intersections of rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy". Published three times a year, Kairos deals "specifically with the challenges of writing in hypertextual environments, primarily (but not solely) the World-Wide Web."
The Knowledge Tree: an e-Journal of Learning Innovation, the journal of the 2005-2006 Australian Flexible Learning Framework Free subscription; RSS feed available
Language Learning & Technology, an international refereed online journal for second and foreign language educators, Mark Warschauer, Editor, is available at; guidelines for submission at
The Language Teacher Online
Language Tech Net News
Learning and Training Innovations:
Learning Technology ISSN 1438-0625 publication of IEEE Computer Society Learning Technology Task Force (LTTF) - Full text articles since 1999 to April 2003
Meridian: A Middle School Computer Technologies Journal: Articles are available online, current issue and archives. A sample: Article by Dr. Alan Foley: Integrating Accessible Design into the Educational Web Design Process
Merlot has a journal-- The site has online tools, publications, a speaker's bureau, and offers to collaborate on a variety of projects, including ESOL.
MicroTimes June 2002 - Gateway Timeout The following error occurred: A gateway timeout occurred. The server is unreachable.
"Mots Pluriels" homepage at . See for links to articles on the special double issue containing a series of essays on theories and practices of the Net around the world
Multimedia and Digital Commentary Online is Michael Bush's highly informative newsletter and links page, at; Last update: 27 October 2001, in June 2002
The NODE: Learning Technologies Network,
The Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration is a free, peer-reviewed quarterly published by the Distance and Distributed Education Center, The State University of West Georgia, 1600 Maple Street, Carrollton, GA 30118 USA; Web:
The Pew Learning and Technology Program Newsletter - This newsletter was published quarterly from September 1999 to December 2002 and highlighted examples of redesigned learning environments using technology. In March 2003, the PLTP newsletter was merged with The Learning MarketSpace Written by Carol Twigg and Bob Heterick, The Learning MarketSpace was published monthly from July 1999 through February 2003 and focused on the following six themes: The value of corporate/higher education collaboration; Virtual university initiatives and developments; On-campus cultural resistance or backlash; New developments in technology that force a re-thinking of assumptions about academic practices; Cost containment efforts; Public policy issues with implications for the learning marketspace.
Performance Xpress (International Society of Performance Improvement) : ; full text newsletter length blurbs.
The Reading Matrix Online Journal ISSN: 1533 242X
ReCALL is available online via Cambridge University Press Journals Online, details at There are some articles linked online from its Table of Contents listing for volumes 1995-2002 at; there is also a links page for entire back issues (from 1996) online in pdf format at Back issues of ReCALL are placed online approximately 18 months after publication. Only issues dating from May 1996 are available online with the exception of the Volume 11 No 2 special Web edition on distance language learning published in collaboration with the WELL project. There are also newsletters online, current issues, at
Research and Reflection, a journal, 404 Not Found June 2002
Revue ALSIC : Apprentissage des Langues et Systemes d'Information et de Communication, Courriel : La revue est d'acces libre,
School to Work News is the premier monthly journal covering the fast moving fields of "School-To-Work" and "Work Place Development and Training." The Newspaper is hard copy, normally about sixty pages, and published monthly. More than 100,000 copies are sent to practioners, educators, administrators, legislators, and business people interested in youth development, career preparation, educational innovation, and especially cooperative efforts between businesses and schools. Upcoming issues will include full sections on technology and the Hispanic Educational Community. Our newest publication, "Safe Schools, Safe Students Newsletter," is a monthly Newsletter for Parents, Teachers, School Administrators, Community Leaders, School Board Members, Educators, and Community/Business Leaders Involved in School/Student Safety and Security. You can get more information about STW News and read examples of our articles at - from Arun Tripathi on neteach-l, 07 Jun 1999; June 2002 DNS resolution failure encountered for the host ''.
Sloan Consortium:
Speech Bank by Guo Shesen is a free electronic publication sent every two months as email attachment (*.html file, around 120 KB) - per the website "This page contains [381] active links to 5000+ full text, audio and video (streaming) versions of public speeches, sermons, legal proceedings, lectures, debates, interviews, other recorded media events, and a declaration or two."
Speech Technology Magazine, read it online at
Speech Technology Magazine Online
Syllabus Magazine:
Teaching English, the newsletter for the BBC | British Council site,
Teaching English with Technology, a journal for teachers published by IATEFL Poland Computer Special Interest Group, is up on the Web at
TechLEARNING; a journal in blog format with RSS and podcast tech tips.
Technology and Learning Magazine,
Technology Grant News,, "covers the up and coming grant announcements by government, technology funders, trade associations, and private sector foundations around the country." It is NOT free; 4 issues is $125, or $85 for non-profits.
TechKnowLogia is at; Vol. 3, Iissue 6, November/December 2001 is on Technologies and Language Acquisition
TESL-EJ has been publishing online since 1994, and is available at 3 mirror sites: Berzerkeley:; Kyoto mirror:; Bremen mirror:
Tesol Matters selected articles archives can be found at, and Christine Meloni's Wandering the Web columns archive from TESOL Matters are all online at
T.H.E. (Technological Horizons in Education) T.H.E. Journal (check out the "cool sites" here) Also, see T.H.E. Useful Sites list from 1998 posted at this website but not maintained or updated
Training Magazine:
Transform Magazine:
Web Developer's Journal - (seen June 2002)
The Well Connected Educator is at
Write Away: A showcase of writing by adult migrants in Australia: (temporarily overloaded in Feb 2007, will try later)
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