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Fun Stuff for Expanding
Knowledge Interactively

On this page:
You are
there: Share the experience | Culture | Science and Discovery | Travel and
Geography; time |
Money and Business | News and News
Media | Computers and the Web |
U.S. Government Fun Stuff
New additions:
From BBC's Clickonline, May 2006:
This page is hopelessly out of date. In March 2003 I'm adding:
and Howstuffworks
YOU are there: Share the experience with
This team made the
summit on May 22, 1997 and has since returned to Seattle.
and coming up ...
Other Everest sites:
aRT :-]
Jokes and humor
[webmasters note to
self: inform Suzanne Morine suzannem@dimensional.com when moving
TTP info]
Song lyrics
Youth and Yuppie
Science and Discovery
Facts and discovery
- American Medical Association
- The Discovery Channel, lots of facts, geared
to kids
- The Farmer's Almanac, useful facts
- Popular Science magazine
- Public Broadcasting System in the USA
- Scientific American
- Wetlands, Controversial Issues,
Endangered Species, Biographies, etc.
- The Why Files, National Inst. for
Science Education, U. of Wisconsin
- Galileo on the web, 300
pages of his notes on the mechanics of bodies in motion at the Max Planck
Institute for the History of Science web site at
mirrored at http://www.imss.fi.it.
- Do a net search on the
string "How things work". You'd be surprised at the plethora of neat sites you
turn up. One recurring one (on Altavista) is Louis Bloomfield's site on physics
questions, http://www.landau1.phys/virginia.edu/.
There is a lot of interesting information here. It needs an index, but you have
a rudimentary one at your fingertips with Edit/Find (or whatever your browser
uses to search documents).
Kid Stuff
Travel and Geography
What time is it there?
Getting there
Currency Exchange
Once you're there
Now, when you locate that quaint spot for a good, cheap meal in
whatever backwater foreign country you're in, you'll find the yuppies at the
other tables who are looking bored and wishing the others weren't there hoping
to salvage some vestige of a third world experience on the trail they all
follow, are consulting not The Book, but their LAPTOPS! since they all
downloaded the same page from ...
Learn a bit about world languages elsewhere
on this website.
Money and Business
News and News Media
- ABC News
- Bangkok Post EFL/ESL
Education Services
- Chicago Tribune
- CNN News for ESL Learners at
(Anthea Tillyer says this gives "a lot of stuff about San Francisc and
California education initiatives" - must have shifted focus - ed.) However,
Anthea found "something better": a news quiz every day at
- More ESL edited CNN news at
- The LA Times
Foreign Language News and Magazine Page
- National Public Radio
- The New York Times
http://www.nytimes.com ; The New York
Times Learning Network Lesson Plan service is at: :http://www.nytimes.com/learning/.
These are lesson plans that meet the U.S. national standards for various
subjects including Language Arts and Social Studies. Many of these lessons can
be adapted to meet the needs of students of English as a Second, or Foreign,
Language. Once registered, the Times will send lessons to your e-mail address
up to three times a week.
- Instant Lessons from
Reuters news articles available free from
Lessons are up to date and based around news stories provided by Reuters - the
worlds premier news service provider. Just print and teach.
- The San Jose Mercury News
- Der Spiegel (double check
- USA Today
- US Robotics access to on-line newspapers
- Word, an online literary
magazine, has been saved from oblivion by Zapata, a company started in the
1950's by of all people, George Bush. Find it online again in September, 1998,
at http://www.word.com
- World Radio Web Links
- World Television Web
- Xoom e-zines:
Computers and the Web
This stuff should really go into the professional pages - ed note to
The Web
Computer Stuff
Computer Magazines and News
webmaster note to self: CD Source requires authorized entry; adjust
url and try again ...
Government Fun Stuff
Federal Government WWW Servers,
A comprehensive list of U.S. government
servers. The list is broken down into three areas: multiple-agency servers,
single agency servers (including the executive and legislative branches) and
government consortia servers.
The Federal Web Locator, http://www.law.vill.edu/
An award-winning hot list of links to U.S.
government WWW resources, compiled by Kenneth Mortensen of the Villanova Center
for Information Law and Policy.
American States, http://www.globalcomputing.com/states.html
An alphabetical list links you to the
official home page of each of the 50 U.S. states. These home pages cover broad
topics such as education, business, government and travel.
Government Information Sharing Project,
A demonstration project by Oregon State
University designed to provide Web access to U.S. federal government
information. Areas covered range from demographics to economic data to
education statistics.
Keeping America Informed: U.S. Government Printing Office,
The Government Printing Office Homepage
offers electronic access to documents published by government agencies. Papers
from the National Budgets to Nicotine Regulation Documents to Congressional
Records are searchable and available for down-loading in both text and PDF
Postage stamps online: http://www.usps.gov/fr_stamps.html
Income tax documents - I'll put the url here once I relocate it
(vance) - or you can find it by searching IRS + "tax forms" on a search engine
such as Altavista
Not from the US Government
A web site to help people study for the Citizenship test,
http://www.uscitizenship.org. -
quizzes based on the hundred questions both in oral and written format and
practice dictation.
 Use the
navigation at the top of this page or your browser's BACK
button to return to a previous page
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page contact Vance Stevens, page webmaster.
Updated: April 15, 2001 and one change April 28,
2005 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0 Which is to say, probably a lot of broken links
here, will check eventually. Right now checking watch (must run!).