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also: professional organization web sites
for conference information through the websites of professional organizations
holding them regularly
Online conferences and other
synchronous online events are listed here: Online
Events Calendar
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CFPs and
Web Sites
of Upcoming Conferences and Publications
(This page is no
longer being maintained)
updated: September 9, 2008 04:00 GMT
deadlines for submission of presentations and other Calls for
NEW: YOU can place your events on the calendar here:
Navigate this page: Conference locator resources
Upcoming Events: 2008
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May | Jun | Jul |
Aug | 2010
Archives: 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 2002
| 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
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Conference locator
David Warlick has a unique way of tracking both upcoming and
past conferences at:
British Council: The ELTeCS calendar of recent and upcoming
events is at
On another initiative, there is a section for conferences on the home page of
for conferences, (both viewed Jan 10, 2007)
Conference Alerts
is a database with read/write Web 2.0 capabilities. There is a page on
"Language Conferences Worldwide Upcoming events in language, linguistics,
speech and hearing therapy, translation, TESOL and related fields" -
and "E-learning Conferences Worldwide Upcoming events in internet-based
education, educational technology and related fields" -
(viewed January 27, 2007)
"Conference Schedules for Linguists, Translators, Interpreters, and
Teachers of Languages is at:
It's a feature of Roy Cochrun's Russian Resource. (viewed May 8, 2002) (Distance Learning Channel) features a
distance-learning calendar with events all over the world at
(viewed May 8, 2002)
On the EUROCALL website in the Resources section, there's now a
calendar of events worldwide related to CALL and educational technology - see
This was previously hosted on the C&IT Centre website at, where a redirection notice has
been left to point users to the new location
Conferences in the United States and elsewhere used to be listed at
theNODE Learning Technologies Network: at the link (viewed May 21,
2001, but not found in Jan 2007). The Node newsletter ceased
publication in 2002.
Bill Pellowe has set up a site about ELT in Japan, which lists
technology-related conferences as well.
TESOL lists conferences of interest to its members at;
here you can add your event to the list and subscribe to the Conference
Calendar Announcement e-list (viewed May 8,
Linda Thalman also posts Conference Announcements Worldwide /
Congres dans le Monde as part of her English and French Language Resources:
(viewed May 8, 2002)
Youngwoo Kim's aims to share
information among ESL researchers all over the world. Among features are
Calendar, Call for papers, Conferences, Job postings,
Research Report, Mailing lists, Info Exchange, Search, Link, and Graduate
Programs. (viewed May 8, 2002)
Listed in Papyrus News:
Here you can find conferences listed from the
most recent DOWN

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September, 2008
- CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue on: "Mobile and Ubiquitous
Technologies for Language Learning" In International Journal of Mobile Learning
and Organisation (IJMLO) Web page:
Submission Deadline: September 30, 2008 -- This special issue will
discuss the latest mobile and ubiquitous language-learning (MULL) applications
and technologies for language learning. Its purpose is to disseminate studies
about how we meet the challenges of this technology, the practical experiences
of the design of mobile and ubiquitous language-learning environments, the
current development systems in either academia or industry, as well as the
current economic and social context of mobile and ubiquitous learning
development and empirical research into contemporary mobile learning
environments. Important Dates: Proposal of submission (optional): 30 July, 2008
Full paper: 30 September, 2008 Notification of acceptance: 20 December, 2008
Revised submission: 15 February, 2009 Camera-ready version: 15 March, 2009 The
proposal of submission should be no more than one page, and must cover a brief
description of your proposed submission. It will only provide an opportunity
for interacting with the editors before the full paper submission. Authors of
accepted proposals will also have until September 30, 2008 to submit their full
paper. Guest Editors: Dr. Hiroaki Ogata, University of Tokushima, Japan Dr.
Gerardo Ayala, Universidad de las Americas, Mexico Dr. Susan Bull, University
of Birmingham, UK
October, 2008
- Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)
presents: The Fifth Conference On Issues in Teaching English Language and
Literature in Iran English Language Department Faculty of Humanities The
University of Guilan Deadline for submitting abstracts: 31/2/1387 (April 19th,
2008) English Language Department of the University of Guilan is pleased to
announce the Fifth TELLSI Conference to be held on Mehr 17th & 18th , 1386
( October 8th & 9th, 2008). The conference aims to cover issues
related to teaching English language and Literature with a specific focus on
the problems that Iranian learners of English may face in the process of
learning English. Invited Speakers There will be a number of distinguisted
invited speakers: Dr. Vivian James Cook, and Dr. Hossein Farhady. In case there
is any comment or question, please write to the above address, contact us on
(0131) 6690276, send a fax to us on, or e-mail the Conference Board on the
following e-mail address: . We are looking forward
to welcoming you in the (TELLSI 5) Conference held at the University of Guilan,
- ISTE is now accepting presentation proposals for NECC 2009.
Submission opportunities are divided into four major categories and a variety
of themes & strands. Dynamic, energetic presenters interested in engaging
their audience in innovative ways should especially consider submitting
proposals for Workshops or the highly interactive BYOL, Model Lesson, and Open
Source Lab session categories. Both ISTE member and non-member educators and
students at all levels, nationally and internationally, are invited to submit.
We also welcome corporate-sponsored proposals from exhibitors that focus on and
demonstrate appropriate uses of information technology to support and improve
learning, teaching, or administration in K-12 education or teacher education.
The deadline for submission is October 8, 2008.
- 31st Annual Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) October 17-19,
2008 University of Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu, Hawaii
- Dr. Harald Clahsen (University of Essex) - Dr. Alan Firth (Newcastle
University) - Dr. Eva Lam (Northwestern University) - Dr. Richard Schmidt
(University of Hawai'i at Manoa) We welcome all areas of second language
research, including, but not limited to: - Instructed SLA - Acquisition of
grammar and phonology - Child SLA - L2 Processing - Language and learner
characteristics - Language and cognition - Discourse and interaction - Language
and socialization - Bilingualism and multilingualism - Language and ideology -
Literacy development - Learner corpora - Language learning and technology -
Second language measurement 1) PAPERS: Individual papers will be allotted 20
minutes (plus 10 minutes for discussion). 2) POSTERS: Posters will be displayed
for a full day. Posters are intended for one-on-one discussion or reports of
work in progress. 3) COLLOQIUA: The colloquia/panels consist of individual
paper presentations that relate to a specific or related topics of interest.
They are offered in 2-hour sessions. Please see our website for submission
instructions and additional updates:
Deadline for submissions is April 15, 2008
November, 2008
- TESOL Arabia Publications committee would like to announce the call
for contributions for a volume addressing English language teaching and
learning online, the emergence of Communities of Practice, and online Teacher
Education. The book is tentatively titled: English Language Teaching and
Learning Online. Articles should preferably focus on, but are not limited to: *
Teaching and learning online * Communities of practice in online education *
Blended learning practices * Learner autonomy in an online context *
E-moderation of online activities and programs * Intercultural aspects in
online education and interaction * Online teacher education * Educational web
tools and technologies for teachers There are lots of innovative pedagogical
research and practices that address the aspects of online teaching and learning
in English language contexts. In addition, participation in online groups and
communities seems a common global practice in the 21st century. Teachers
involvement in collaborative initiatives by sharing goals, skills, and
methodologies seems to increase and attract teachers worldwide. This book is an
attempt to address these rapidly increasing phenomena. It will explore the key
aspects, action research, and other key elements in successful online learning
and teaching in ELT. Review of successful practices and reflections from
personal or professional experiences are all invited. The deadline for
submissions is 1 Nov, 2008. Please send your article to Mashael Al-Hamly at Please also follow the specifications outlined below: *
Articles should be between 3000-4000 words excluding References. * Articles
should be typed using Times New Roman, font size 12, with 1 ½ line
spacing. o If you include Tables and/or Figures, make sure they are no wider
than 10 cms. * Do not use color in Tables or Figures. * Do not use footnotes. *
Do not indent new paragraphs. Use a space between paragraphs. * Only use
portrait orientation i.e. dont insert any pages in
landscape orientation. * Remove all hyperlinks. * Include a
complete list of references using APA style as outlined in the Publications
Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition (2001). * Send
articles electronically as a Word attachment. Please include on the first page
your name, address, contact numbers and email addresses, and a 100-word
- GLoCALL 2008
will take place in the following places and dates: Nov. 7: Workshop for
local teachers in Jakarta Nov. 8-9: Conference in Jakarta
Nov. 10: Workshop for local teachers in Yogyakarta Nov.
11-12: Conference in Yogyakarta
- GLoCALL 2008 = Globalization and Localization in CALL 2008 Hotel
Ciputra Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia, 7-9 November 2008 & Quality
Hotel Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 10-12 November 2008 GLoCALL
2008 invites proposals for presentations that are related to computer-assisted
language learning. Proposals for Papers (35 minutes), Symposia (120 minutes)
and Poster sessions should be submitted via the GLoCALL Website by 1 July 2008. Proposals are encouraged within the
sub-themes below, but are not limited to: * application of technology to the
language classroom * localizing Internet materials to the classroom * using the
Internet for cultural exchange * managing multimedia/hypermedia environments *
e-learning, collaborative learning and blended learning * emerging technologies
* fostering autonomous learning through technology * Web 2.0 and language
learning * training language teachers in e-learning environments. The
conference takes the form of a 'travelling roadshow' with Organizing Committee
members, plenary speakers and whoever else wishes to give presentations at both
locations. Presenters from outside Indonesia are particularly encouraged to
submit multiple proposals, covering both 'state of the art' themes as well as
'practical training' so that participants with varying levels of CALL
experience will be able to benefit from conference participation. For further
details and updated information, please visit:
- TESOL Arabia 15th International Conference,
theme: English in Learning: Learning in English. March 12-14, 2009 at
the JW Marriott Hotel in Dubai. Deadline for proposals is
Nov. 15, 2008
December, 2008
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January, 2009
- Skills Conference - Learning Communities: Implications for
Students, Teachers and Educational Systems. The conference will be held
on Tuesday, 27th January Thursday, 29th January, 2009. This
Fourteenth Conference will feature a Testing Colloquium, a Book Exhibition,
concurrent sessions, Keynote speakers sponsored by the United State Public
Affairs Section, and the British Council in Cairo in addition to a dinner for
conference participants.
February, 2009
March, 2009
- TESOL Arabia 15th International Conference, theme: English in
Learning: Learning in English. March 12-14, 2009 at the JW Marriott
Hotel in Dubai. Deadline for proposals is Nov. 15, 2008
April, 2009
May, 2009
June, 2009
July, 2009
August, 2009
September, 2009
October, 2009
November, 2009
December, 2009
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January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010

Copyright 2008 by Vance Stevens
Creative Commons License:
August 13,
Mirrors: This page is available