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Al Khubairat School is #15 on the map below.
Find detailed directions below the map.
Go out Airport Road and turn right onto 17th St. This is mid-block between the traffic light at the "cheese grater" building on 15th, and before the bridge over 19th. Turn left at the elegant Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Mosque. You will see St Anthony's Center just behind that, and the next parking lot is that of the school. The hashers are not always in this parking lot though. You may have to turn right on First St. and if the hashers are not in the parking lot to your right, you'll find them in the lot when you make the next right turn (in other words, drive around the school).
Another way to get here is to drive from 19th St. toward town on Karamah. Turn right on First and look for the parking lots around the school (or right on 17th and follow directions from the Mosque). Or, go to the Ladies' Park next to Chouefat School on 15th just off Airport Road. Drive through the parking lot of the park toward the Mhmd bin Zayed mosque at the far end. Behind the mosque you will find a church. Behind the church, the school.
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