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WCET, the Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications (, and C2T2, the
Centre for Curriculum, Transfer & Technology (Victoria, British Columbia,
Canada,, have announced
the launch of EduTools (, a Web-based
resource for the higher education community. EduTools was built to assist
higher education in using a more rational decision making process to review the
many options in course management systems. EduTools is a redevelopment of
"Online Educational Delivery Applications: A Web Tool for Comparative Analysis"
developed by C2T2 and Bruce Landon, of Douglas College in British Columbia.
EduTools' researchers review each product using the producer's Web site
resources, a product demo, and a set of guiding questions. A variety of
analyses are available to users of the site: they can compare specific products
for instance, or can ask for a list of products containing specific features.
WCET is also developing three new companion sites that apply the same
decision-making models for comparisons of other tools. These new sites, set to
debut over the next year, will analyze student services software and service
providers; e-learning policies; and instructional technologies.
John McVicker and Suporn Chenhansa's excellent hyper-description of
web-based training, with sections on Web teaching and learning, Perl/CGI,
JavaScript, Authorware/Shockwave, Other web authoring tools, and Web media
tools is subsumed in Language Teachers' Resources:
(*viewed February 24, 2004)
CTI's list of Sites related to the use of the Internet as a medium for
language teaching and learning, including browser-based CALL software is at (viewed April 17, 2001) On September 4,
2002 Xenu Link Sleuth
reports this url redirected to:;
still does that Feb 24, 2004 - gives email address if you're looking for a
particular page.
Edward Tanguay has been developing a workshop since 1999 on how learners
can use the Internet, including websites where exercises can be made. To get
there, go to and click on theWorkshop, right-hand
column. (The workshop is simple and practical, but I got
very slow and incomplete load in of its components - April 17, 2001)
"Web testing systems" are listed here:
(July 20, 2001 posting to calico-l)
David Easton keeps a list of quiz-making sites at (viewed April 17, 2001)
Learning Management Systems compared
"Evaluation and Selection of Web Course Management Tools", by Sunil
Hazari, University of Maryland:
focuses on Blackboard, Course-in-a-box, Lotus Learning Space, Top Class, WebCT,
and WebMentor. (*viewed February 2, 2007 at relocated
Deborah Healey treats authoring software at the following urls:
Authoring systems, stand-alone and web-based
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Not sure where to file this one yet, but Steve Chadwick has
produced a prototype of a simple text reconstruction program and would be
grateful for some feedback. The features are:
- See/hide all text
Type word to guess if it is in the text
- Click on any word to reveal it.
Any length of text is acceptable. This is a flash template which imports
the text from an external file, hence easy to author. Regarding feedback, Steve
writes (Aug 2007): "I am particularily seeking your opinion on the following
points: In order to achieve the 'click on word' functionality I have had to
create each word as a separate object. This has affected the spacing of the
words and punctuation. Do you think this is acceptable? What other features
should be included? If you are interested the template is here:
A ^ Back to top
B ^ Back to top
- BeCult has been funded by Leonardo. In the web page we have
total of six languages (English, also a bridge language, German, Italian,
Dutch, French and Finnish) and five work cultures (Germany, Italy, Holland,
France and Finland) from the field of hotel and hospitality. BeCult is an
online multimedia learning tool for young people in vocational training in the
hotel and gastronomy sector. The tool is a learning platform where young people
can prepare themselves culturally and lingually for a placement in another
country. BeCult reproduces in a virtual world real work places in selected
countries and companies with their specific linguistic and cultural settings.
BeCult uses relevant methodologies for young people being confronted with
unfamiliar situations during a stay abroad. It is available free of charge on
the internet and accessible from any place before, during and after a training
placement abroad. BeCult allows for tutored learning but does not require
language teachers. For information and contacts please visit us at our website
at -- Mikko Turunen
International co-ordinator Project manager, Finland Pirkanmaa College
- Blackboard at - Blurb from
the web site: "Our Web site guides you through five simple steps for creating a
virtual class - with no programming languages or HTML to learn. If you can surf
the Internet, you can create a course on"
- Blue Glas (Global learning authoring system), "It is claimed
that Blue Glas is as easy to handle as Toolbook but as, or almost as
sophisticated as Authorware" according to 20 Jul 2001 posting to
- Bodington - Free, Open source, VLE/LMS -
C ^ Back to top
- CASTLE - great for scoring and result analysis, but you can't create
gapfills, only multiple choice per a 17 Jul 2001 posting to
- Clozeproze -
- Cold Fusion was made by - uses a powerful
database to put content into a template which can be created in almost any
application and added to the web project. Samples can be seen at, a company
that can assist in template design. On September 4, 2002
Xenu Link Sleuth
reports that Allaire now redirects to
- Crayon - at you can create your own
newspaper -- per Peter Nichols <>, 10 Sep
1999, personal communication
- Crossword Compiler by Anthony Lewis - the 10 by 10 version is
free - download from
D ^ Back to top
- Director by Macromedia,; As with
Authorware, Director has a high learning curve. Fortunately, there are numerous
resources to help you as you head up the curve
- DISSEMINATE aims to provide authoring system features and
Communication, Result Retention (and Tracking) platform. According to a
developer, "If we secure funding ..., we will also seek to make our authoring
modules integrate other platforms such as BB and WCT if that is technically
feasible.". For more info, see and
look under implementation.
- Drupal can
be downloaded to your server for free and allow for modules, blogs and static
pages. (see for example
E ^ Back to top
- EasyT Online Subject "is a new rapid development tool for
teachers and curriculum developers building online subjects. The EasyT Online
Subject Wizard works with Microsoft FrontPage 98 to build a tailored,
interactive web template within minutes. Subject content (lectures, tutorials,
assignments etc) can then be typed directly into the template using the
FrontPage WYSIWIG Editor or added by simple cut and paste from any word
processor. EasyT, combined with FrontPage WYSIWIG editing, overcomes a common
frustration for teachers and curriculum developers having limited time to
develop HTML skills then build quality interactive courseware. Fully functional
trial evaluation EasyT software is available for FREE OF CHARGE download at:
" -- from John Kopetko, Email:, posting on, 29 Jul 1999
- Ed Tech Tools "is a free service for educators provided by the
University of Hawaii. You can make many types of quizzes. They stay on their
server and your students access them. You just fill in the blanks on their
ready-made forms to create the quizzes. The URl is - from Barry
Bakin <>, neteach-l, 24 Aug 1999. Mark Sellers had
a look at the site, 25 Sept. 1999, and reports on The QuizCenter's tools.
Automatic quiz generation: Without any knowledge of the HTML web page
language, you can make on-line quizzes using a simple three-step process
through the QuizMaker. QuizMaker uses your input to generate a generic quiz
file and answer key which are stored on the server for easy Web access. With
the addition of inline images and hypertext links, the quiz can be its own
self-contained learning module. Immediate quiz correction: In addition
to creating the quiz the QuizCenter can correct it on-the-fly <and>
produces a page which shows the results and, if the teacher chooses, displays
the correct answers. Test taking, QuizMail takes the answers submitted
from inside the quiz, deciphers it, sorts it, and then mails it directly to the
teacher's email address. Privatized quizzes: Restrict-a-Quiz provides
the capability to restrict quiz viewership to specific individuals using a
password protection scheme. Quiz file management: Not only does the
QuizCenter store your quizzes on our server, it provides you with control of
those quizzes. Quiz files can be edited after they are created, and deleted
once they are no longer needed. All this is done exclusively over the web.
- Elgg - available (free) from
- There is a review of Elgg in the TESL-EJ Journal.
See also Stephen Downes' take on the use of Moodle vs. Elgg.;
however, as of June 2006 Elgg has now combined with Moodle (ver. 1.6).
F ^ Back to top
- Filamentality:
- First Class software, by Softarc < > has been
adopted for several years now by Oregon EdNet for the statewide educational
computer network. It is like several other groupware or conferencing software
packages in the way it functions. Good features are its friendly and easy to
use screen interface, the ability to thread separate discussions, archive
previous activity, provide the option of simultaneous chat in addition to
asynchronous conferencing, and also to send attachments easily such as
spreadsheets, graphic files, and so on. Separate electronic conference "rooms"
can easily be set up by the teacher and subgroups assigned to work within them.
Students can also send private mail to individuals or mail to the entire group
in addition to any conferences they are assigned to. The instructor has access
to all conferences except people's private mailboxes. ... from Margaret, ; on 13 Dec 1999 there was a posting on teslca-l to
the effect that First Class "does not adhere fully to Internet standards" for
SMTP mail - the poster was quoting from a source, not from experience.
- FlashACE - From the listening practices HyperACE developed by
Phil Hubbard, Ken Romeo has created a Flash template that replicates the old
HyperCard stack. You can create your own mp3 and 150 x 150 pixel jpg files and
by simply replacing in the script the name of the file that you want displayed
or played you can create your own listening activities, or adapting further,
any kind of activity where an audio prompt elicits a visual reply which you
supply with two visual distractors. Freely available at
- Funbrain - a unique feature:
"save" and edit any of the quizzes already there.
G ^ Back to top
- Game O Matic at
allows you to create various exercises from a range of exercise types, then
save them to your hdd for upload to your own site
- Gapkit
H ^ Back to top
I ^ Back to top
- iBuild, from Acrux Software, inexpensive ($29)., Mac only.
On September 4, 2002
Xenu Link Sleuth
reports that this url was redircted to: - (times out Feb 2,
2007; will try later)
- Intcom - http://, creates interactive HTML multiple choice questions, per
Brian Turner, apparently promoting his own site on NETEACH-L, 20 Mar 2000
- Interactive Exercise Makers tools from Dan Beeby, et al,;
Doug Jones (09 Mar, 2000, TESLCA-L, permission to quote granted
August 17, 2000) rates this "a site with a set of authoring tools that
allows you to create exercises from their server and download the pages to your
disk. One of my favorites is Matchmaker2, a template that lets you make drag
and drop exercises by linking to thumbnail images in Alta Vista. The following
are a couple of examples:
Matchmaker2 allows you to take advantage of the wealth of images on Alta Vista.
This site is worth investigating if you are interested in designing web-based
activities. Rates well on user friendliness." Free, and you download your work
to your hdd and then upload to your own website
- Interactive Language Learning - mentioned in a 17 Jul 2001 posting to
J ^ Back to top
K ^ Back to top
- Charles Kelly has written a Self-study quizzes
project - two pages to assist teachers in writing quizzes. On Neteach it
is reported that: "We would appreciate it if you could test the pages (and
possibly donate the "generated" quiz to us.) Both pages require a
JavaScript-enabled browser.
- KEWL.NextGeneration /AVOIR ;
(this site is updated hourly from the developers codebase, so it may behave
strangely from time to time) - from santec
L ^ Back to top
- LearningSpace, Lotus Development Corp. - "One feature that
Learning Space might have in the near future is incorporation of audio chat
(i.e., ability to have on-line conversations with 5-6 people involved),
something similar to Microsoft's NetMeeting". - Mark Kaiser, UC Berkeley, on
Teachtech-l, 22 Apr 1999
M ^ Back to top
- Macromedia: Authorware and Director
resource materials
- Madlib-O-Matic -
- Malted has move to
- MaxAuthor 2.5- java based flash cards, an online listening
dictation exercise, and an audio dictionary that helps you easily borrow
recordings between lessons, see
were new features announced on calico-l, 8 Jan 2002 "The University of Arizona
Computer Aided Language Instruction Group (UA/CALI) has made freely available
(for non-commercial use) its MS-Windows based multimedia CALL authoring system,
MaxAuthor, at
Without any author programming, MaxAuthor creates language instruction
courseware for Cantonese, Chinese, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Russian, and
fourteen other languages. Completed courseware can utilize audio, video,
footnotes, and graphics, and gives students exercises including multiple
choice, fill-in-the-blank, listening dictation, pronunciation, and audio flash
cards. Courseware can be delivered on MS-Windows or the Internet." As of Aug
2006, authors are being sought for: Beginning Kurdish, Intermediate Ukrainian,
and Advanced Turkish; see "Call for Authors" at
See also reviews in the CALICO Journal, e.g.
Further info from Scott Brill Research Engineer, University of Arizona Computer
Aided Language Instruction Group/Critical Languages Program
- Merlin
- Metacard at "is basically a
modern, high-performing and fully cross-platform (various shades of Unix
including Linux, Windows (32 bit), and MacOS) version of Apple's Hypercard (The
scripting language is identical and it will even open, play and let you improve
any old Hypercard stacks you have lying around.)." -- per posting on TESLCA-L
21 May 1999; see for David
Cragg's Metacard "examples of tests and language practice activities, including
one that loads from the internet."
- Milken Educator Virtual Workspace (MEVW) is a project of the
Milken Family Foundation and currently free to use at
- Moodle is a free open source php driven
LMS, and has features
particularly suitable for language learning: discussion forums and chatrooms,
glossaries with an auto-link functionality, embedding of multimedia files in
discussion forums, resources, and quizzes, wiki activities for on-line
collaborative writing, HotPotatoes module, etc.
N ^ Back to top
- Nicenet is an easily-configurable environment for an online
class ... from their site: "Our latest project is the Internet Classroom
Assistant (ICA), a web-based communications tool designed for post-secondary
classrooms and collaborative academic projects. The ICA requires only a regular
web browser running on any platform and an Internet connection--no software
needs to be downloaded and no server needs to be set up on your end. The ICA is
available free to any interested party. " ... "I used it for its immediate
benefit as a noticeboard for course assignments and notes without having to
spend time creating a HTML site from scratch. The BBS part of it was an
attractive feature ..." (user comment on neteach-l or teslca-l)
http:/ (redirects to ) - It was erroneously reported here that
Nicenet would no longer free after August 2002 - I can't recall where I got
that information, but it would have been prior to Feb 2002. In any event, in
Sept 2002 I received an email from the co-founding director of Nicenet saying
that " Nicenet provides the Internet Classroom Assistant without charge and
will continue to do so. In fact, we charge no fees for anything we do. Nicenet
is a non-profit run by volunteers who give their time to provide tools to
educators." My apologies for passing on information I must have received in
O ^ Back to top
P ^ Back to top
- Parapal - by Charlie Williams (as the file creation is done by
VB, the authoring software won't work on Macs). In Oct 2004 Charlie introduced
his upgraded Flash and VB based cloze player and authoring system, and stressed
"that exercises should be quick and easy for teachers to make, so that they can
concentrate on using relevant and contextualised material. It's also quite
flexible in terms of the type of clozes that it makes. You can use it to remove
all occurences of particular words (articles, prepositions etc) or to remove
every nth word (with a few options as to what appears in the gap). If you have
motivated and self-aware students, you can supply the text and they can fill in
the options to make the exercise as easy or difficult as they want. I have also
tried to make it accessible, but any feedback about that would be great as
Flash isn't the best in this regard." or
- PHP -
- Puzzlemaker:
where you can make (according to Mark Sellers, 14 Sep 1999) ...
Mazed ThingsTM (Unique hand-drawn mazes.)
· Computer Generated
· Word Search
· Word Search with a Hidden
· Criss-Cross Puzzle
· Number Blocks (for
· Math Square
· Double Puzzle (word scrambler)
· Cryptograms
· Letter Tiles (words scrambled into tiles)
· Fallen Phrase (phrase rebuilder)
Q ^ Back to top
- Question Designer and Perception from Question Mark
have particular strengths for testing/surveys etc. There are examples and
downloadable demos at their website
- Quia!;
Mark Sellers, Sept 21, 1999 reports: "There are eight types of games and two
types of quizzes that you can create. When you click on the type of activity
you want to make, an editor will appear to guide you step-by-step through the
process. Instructions are provided at the site that lead you through the
process. Your finished activities will stay on the site and you must remember
the URL for each one so you can return easily and have other people find it
easily. You can also make changes to your activity if you wish. On this site
you can do the following: · Create a class page · Create a
matching, concentration, flashcards, and/or word search game · Create a
hangman game · Create a jumbled words game · Create a pop-ups
game · Create a challenge board game · Create a quiz (basic type)
· Create a quiz (Java type)" . Quia is no longer free after Feb 2002.
Quizzes created prior to that will remain online, but access to quiz creation
and editing is around $50 a year, for individuals.
- Quiz creator Cool Tool at;
Mark Sellers, Sept 21, 1999 reports: "The Quiz creator builds a basic
JavaScript quiz. It supplies the code to paste into your page based on your
specifications, including the number of questions and responses. You can also
choose whether to use radio buttons, pull-down menus, or text fields for the
answers." On September 4, 2002
Xenu Link Sleuth
reports 404 Not Found
- QuizStar: (Create quizzes of various types):
R ^ Back to top
S ^ Back to top
- Sakai -
- a free and open source collaboration and learning environment
- An Online Tool for Web-Based Quizzes Free for Teachers
Script-O! Quiz Makerallows teachers to create online learning activities
based on their own classroom materials. It is the ideal tool for teachers and
trainers looking for a simple way to create online quizzes, tests and
activities. With just a few simple steps, instructors can create online quizzes
in a variety of formats and publish them on the web. Add your own web links,
password protect quizzes, provide immediate feedback, and download scores in
just a few easy steps! .
email on the ReadingMatrix list in Aug 2005 says: "If you would like to try
<Scripto>, please sign up for a free account at
and give these web tools a try."
- Supercard from
T ^ Back to top
- Teachers' Aides by Pat Pecoy , Director, Language Resource
Center, Furman University, Greenville, SC 29613,
According to Pat (12 Nov 1999, calico-l)these are "a compendium of
online resources that take the technical out of technology for busy teachers.
This site is the featured site for November 1999 at the Agora Language
Agora Language Marketplace, (permission
to quote granted August 17, 2000)
- Telos Language Partner is a template-based authoring tool for
both offline and online learning and testing packages. It is free for
non-commercial and educational use, and can be downloaded at .
In the English view under Authoring Support you find more information about TLP
including an exercise typology. Download TLP Pro and the TLP WebConverter. When
you run TLP Pro the first time you need a registration number. This is the one
for non-commercial use: 129922-42803611-s Under Open Learning Space, the site
offers a number of "free content" learning packages created with TLP over the
years. Also see Kurt Kohn. "Telos Language Partner: Do It Yourself' Authoring
for Content-Based Language Learning" in: Gimeno, A. (ed.) (2007). Proceedings
of the First Valencian Workshop on Computer Assisted Language Learning:
"Authoring Tools for Web-Based CALL". Valencia: Universidad Politécnica
de Valencia. This volume also includes an article on MALTED, InGenio, Hot
Potatoes and other authoring tools.
- Test Pilot - According to its developers, "turns any common
web server into a test, tutorial and assessment server. This software,
originally developed at Purdue University has been upgraded and released with
the assistance of the University of Chicago's Arch Development Corporation by a
new company, The software, Test Pilot, is downloadable ... at It
requires NO programming or knowledge of HTML ... Test Pilot supports:
:fill-in-the-blank, essay, matching, multiple choice, check all that apply,
true/false, and yes/no question types, automatic downloadable scores, survey
questions with automatic statistical analysis, selectable point awards for each
user response, unparalleled mathematical formula handling with random
variables, customizable feedback, score-based branching to remedial or advanced
material, random question selection, image, audio, video and streaming Internet
media, and much more..." (sic)
- Textpattern can be downloaded to
your server for free and allow for modules, blogs and static pages. (see for
example Dekita)
- TrackStar: (Create pages with links and activities):
- TransIt-TIGER is an authoring shell from TELL consortium.
Developed by academics on 13 different sites, the TELL products were initially
funded via a UK government program, with provision of a Help Desk, a discussion
list for the sharing of ideas and expertise, and a regular Newsletter. See
- Toolbook was originally
produced by Asymetrix, which changed its name to Click2learn. In the spring of
2004 Click2learn merged with Docent to form Sumtotal Systems. ToolBook is being
developed and sold by Sumtotal Systems;
download a free trial version here:
- TopClass, WBT Systems,
- TrackStar, developed at the University of Kansas, is at It's a "free,
online tool for making exercises from pages on the web. You can make your own
activity, make a quiz or quizzes for your exercise, make a webpage from a
template to be a part of the web activity, or search the hundreds of previously
made "tracks" and modify one to suit your purposes." -- posted on neteach-l, 31
Oct 1999; Sept 2002 above url redirects to
- TRIADS system,,
developed at the University of Derby is a web-based system suitable for use in
formal testing.
U ^ Back to top
V ^ Back to top
- VideoPaper Builder 2 is out: "VideoPaper Builder
2 is a multimedia creation tool for users of any level of technology skills.
The updated software version is cross-platform and runs natively in OSX or on
Windows machines. VPB2 imports hypertext (HTML text), image, and video files,
and assists the user in synchronizing these files as a single user-navigated
multimedia web document. VideoPaper Builder 2 generates menus, links, framesets
and slide shows, and organizes the imported files as an HTML coded document
viewable in a web browser. Videopapers can be published in CD-ROM or posted on
the Internet."
- At Guelph, we're using VirtualU for interactive web-delivered
courseware - Dana Paramskas, 03 Jul 1999, calico-l
W ^ Back to top
- Webauthor -;
Mark Sellers reports on this one as follows (19 Sept 1999 - "All you need
is enter your questions in the fields given. You can also copy/paste data from
your favorite word processors, like Word, WordPerfect etc. CGI software running
from the server belonging to Language Resource and Research Center at the
University of Pennsylvania, makes the corresponding forms with suitable script,
so that you can simply copy the source code and paste it into the source code
of your own webpage (Step 1: View HTML in whatever webpage-making software you
use. Step 2: Select all. Step 3: Paste. Step 4: Save.). Some of the forms here
even give you server space to keep your forms.You can make the following kinds
of quizzes and activities: WEB pages with interactive reading, Question Answers
or Translation exercise, Web exercise with instant feedback, True/False; Yes/No
type exercises, Multiple Choice Questions - With or without feedback, Cloze
exercises, Speed Reading, Make question/answer exercise with pictures available
at CARLA, Drag and Drop method for vocabulary review. Caveat It works
only in IE 4 or above browser."
- Webboard
- WebCT,
Michael Coghlan has a review at
- Web Course in a Box ( is "one of a number
of template-based Web authoring tools that are available. ... They simplify the
process of creating Web pages for courses and managing those sites. They do so
at the cost of sacrificing complete control over design and functionality.
Useful features include the ability to control access control, create
discussion forums, and do on-line drill and practice. Course Web sites at VCU
created with Web Course in a Box are at and include several language classes." - message
seen on the calico-l list
- Webgen, a program designed by Tim Pope from Lethbridge
University (Alberta) : Easy to use, can add graphics, photos, sound files etc..
to your exercises. Allows creation of Gap-Fill and Multiple choice, WITH
On September 4, 2002
Xenu Link Sleuth
reports 404 Not Found
- Webpractest -
- "WebPractest© was designed by Gary A. Smith to help developers of
instructional materials create self-correcting exercises or tests for
distribution on the Internet. Written in Javascript, the program processes HTML
documents and displays the text and images contained in them, but substitutes
fill-in forms for words that the developer has marked as items to be practiced
or tested." (From the website, viewed March
- Web Rhubarb and Web Sequitur by John Higgins and Martin
On September 4, 2002
Xenu Link Sleuth
reports 500 (server error)
- WELTS - great for scoring and result analysis, but you can't create
gapfills, only multiple choice per a 17 Jul 2001 posting to
- WIDA Authoring and Student programs,
- WinCALIS language learning and authoring system
- Word Dragon for scrambled word/sentence exercises,
On September 4, 2002
Xenu Link Sleuth
reports that this url was redircted to:
- WWW Course in a Box from Mad Duck Software
X ^ Back to top
- Xercise Engine is Ruth Vilmi's authoring tool for making 4
different types of interactive exercises and putting them onto the Web, in
Java. There is a demo at:
- Xerte (seen on Apacall list May 2, 2007) "can build scorm
modules, you can use Flash scripts to program it and incude flash movies to
include interactivity ... simple to use and powerful but you need to study up
the online manual a bit. Still no need to know html and it includes a wysiwyg
editor of sorts. Advice: Do NOT let the title "XML Editor" put you off using
- xMediaEngine-XP at : On September 4, 2002
Xenu Link Sleuth
reports 404 Not Found
Y ^ Back to top
Z ^ Back to top
For comments, suggestions, or further information
on this page contact Vance Stevens, page webmaster.
Last updated: January 21, 2008 - 11:00
Copyright 2008 by Vance Stevens
under Creative
Commons License:
February 2, 2007
Mirrors: This page is available